Audio SERMONs - 2024
Sundays - beams of light at sapulpa
Messages are mostly in order as they are presented. Scroll down for more...
We hope these sermon clips from recent services at Beams of Light Church at Sapulpa will be a blessing to you. The important thing is that we want them to be an encouragement to you as we search the scriptures for application in our daily lives. We are walking out our faith, trusting and believing in God's Holy Word. His promises are true. We therefore declare these truths with a willing heart to be used as He sees fit.
We do hope you can join us in church each week and also here on the web as we journey together, as family - for Christ Life.
Click on Scripture references for link to each verse.
NOTE: This message is actually from 12.29.24...not 12.20 as is mentioned in Introduction.
Me Centered vs GOD Centered
Describe Live for Self or LIVE FOR GOD